Reflections from a dharma friend

Reflections from a dharma friend

Dear Sara

Thank you for your sharing on feeling the feeling – was a beautiful guided meditation and reflection – directing us towards seeing in the ‘right’ way and a rich discussion after..

It made me reflect on how what we see and then understand depends on the tools we use to look at things.

Seen with our eyes – a small brown patch – skin we say
Seeing through a looking glass – little valleys on a brown landscape –a skin crease, we say.
Seeing under a lens of a microscope – little sacs and squiggles –cells and organelles, we say.
Seen with an electron microscope – glistening strings of beads – proteins and atoms, we say.
Seen through a cloud chamber – clouds and starry lines –cosmic rays and particles, we say.
The world we see, the world we create, and the world we inhabit depend on the tools we use to see it.

What is it then really?

The coarser the tool – things appear more as ‘things’ – as solid – as having a unique identity.

As the tools get more and more refined – the separateness – the differentiation gets thinner and thinner – so it seems to get to the very essence of what ‘things’ are, we have to find the finest tool there is..

What is the finest tool that we have? – it would be one that we cannot even
see – one we cannot even create – can it be a thing in itself?

If it were a thing itself – then how can it be so refined? For it is a thing.

What does this leave us with? Just knowing, no tools? What if we use the purity of nature, untarnished by things, to understand nature itself? What if we used nature’s innate wisdom
– to understand its true essence? It cannot be held, it cannot be touched – we cannot conceive it – what could be a finer tool than this? What does the world look like through this?

Purify our own hearts – stop looking for a finer lens..




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